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以中原经济区所涉及的五省29个地级市为研究对象,运用主成分分析法对城镇化水平与生态环境质量分别进行综合评价,并将评价结果分别进行归一化处理,计算2003—2011年中原经济区各市的城镇化水平和生态环境质量的耦合度与耦合发展度。再用探索性空间数据分析法,在Arc GIS与Geo Da软件的支持下,对各市城镇化水平与生态环境质量耦合发展度进行时空差异分析。结果表明:各市城镇化水平与生态环境质量的耦合发展度在空间上表现出明显的局部空间自相关集聚格局,总体趋势为西北高东南低。据此,各市应采取不同的城镇化发展对策。  相似文献   
通过集成公路网络密度、城市邻近度和加权平均出行时间等指标,测量了2012年中国14个集中连片特困地区680个县(市、区)的公路交通优势度,对其空间格局进行综合评价,并通过选择拟合程度最优的SEM模型探讨了公路交通优势度对经济增长的影响。研究发现:114个集中连片特困地区680个县(市、区)的公路网络密度、城市邻近度和加权平均出行时间的差异较大,公路交通优势度呈现偏右的正态分布;2将公路交通优势度从优到劣分为4个等级,第一等级为大别山区、罗霄山区、吕梁山区、燕山—太行山区;第二等级为秦巴山区、六盘山区、武陵山区、乌蒙山区、滇桂黔石漠化区;第三等级为滇西边境山区、大兴安岭南麓山区以及四省藏区;第四等级为西藏区和新疆南疆三地州;3SEM模型的拟合优度高于OLS模型和SLM模型,结果显示,公路交通优势度对经济增长具有较明显的推动作用,公路交通优势度每提升1个百分点,对其经济产出的贡献达到0.193%,提高公路网络密度能提升公路交通优势度,进而促进当地经济增长。  相似文献   
辽宁沿海港口成长的影响因素动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腹地状况是决定港口成长的关键,但腹地发展的哪些因素对港口成长的作用最大,这些因素如何影响港口发展,这些问题的研究仍没有形成系统和普遍共识。另一方面,腹地存在不同的地域空间层次,港口发展的不同阶段与腹地联系的地域空间层次也不尽相同。该研究首先运用灰色关联度模型测算了辽宁沿海6个城市、辽宁省以及东北三省3个空间层面的腹地与辽宁沿海港口成长的关联程度,得出沿海港口群与东三省的关联度最高。在此基础上,构建港口成长的影响因素指标体系,运用脉冲响应分析探讨了9个因素对港口作用的动态变化过程,从而揭示不同因素对港口影响的内在动态作用过程。据此,将影响港口发展的因素概括为拉动型、有限促进型、波动型和滞后型4个类型。最后,探讨不同因素对港口成长作用存在差异的原因,进而提出辽宁沿海港口今后的发展战略。  相似文献   
以1976年MSS、2001年ETM和2007年CBERS为遥感数据源,利用人机交互目视解译和野外检验方法获取湿地数据,定量分析东北三省湿地动态变化的相对速率、位移和类型转化,为东北湿地资源的保护与合理利用提供科学依据。结果表明:黑龙江、吉林、辽宁三省湿地面积分别为42 249.71 km2、10 737.95 km2、9 744.79 km2;32年来全区湿地先减少后快速增加,黑龙江省湿地面积变化的幅度最大,吉林省湿地变化的相对速率最大;东北三省湿地重心总体位于黑龙江哈尔滨市和宾县之间,32年来有向西移动的趋势;湿地与非湿地之间转化明显,其中大部分转向人工湿地,沼泽转化率高。  相似文献   
秒级探空数据随机误差评估   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
姚雯  马颖 《应用气象学报》2015,26(5):600-609
利用2007年6月和2008年6—7月国内GPS探空仪同步比对试验数据及2010年中国阳江国际探空系统比对试验数据,基于现有的探空仪随机误差的间接计算方法,深入分析不同的探空原始数据平滑处理程度对随机误差评估的影响。分析表明:现有的探空仪随机误差评估方法不能完全适用于秒级探空数据,特别是对风、平流层温度和对流层相对湿度这3个要素的随机误差的评估。在同步比对施放中,如果对探空原始数据的平滑处理程度一致,可以利用现有的随机误差评估方法,不会产生明显偏差;反之,如果平滑处理程度差异较大,则间接计算得出的随机误差会明显偏大。在比对施放方案中,为了更好地获取某种型号探空仪的随机误差,建议将多个同型号探空仪同球施放进行比对观测,避免作为参考仪器的其他型号探空仪自身的误差参与计算,影响待测探空仪随机误差的评估。同型号探空仪同球施放的探空仪越多,获取的有效统计数据越多,随机误差的分析越准确。  相似文献   
江苏省公众气象服务满意度影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李长顺  赵飞  唐德才 《气象科学》2015,35(2):230-236
通过江苏省气象局设计的《江苏省公众气象服务需求调查表》对江苏省13个市及各县区进行整群抽样调查,获取较大数量的公众气象服务满意度样本和数据,选取性别、年龄、属性、行业、本地居住时间、收入6个影响因素。运用单因素方差分析、多因素方差分析和多元线性回归模型,对江苏省公众气象服务满意度进行分析。结果显示在单因素方差分析中,除性别外,其余5个影响因素的差异均为显著。在多因素方差分析中双因素、3因素和4因素交互均不显著。通过多元线性回归进一步分析得出居住时间是影响满意度的最主要因素,而性别是影响最小的因素。  相似文献   
鲍超  方创琳 《干旱区地理》2005,28(5):659-664
在我国实施西部大开发战略以及全面建设小康社会的过程当中,西北干旱区的工业化和城市化进程将进一步加快,由此必然带来城市环境污染治理难度加大的问题。对城市环境质量进行综合评价,并分析城市环境质量变化的原因和发展趋势,是当前西北干旱区城市环境保护工作亟待加强的首要课题。针对西北干旱区城市环境的特点,选取有代表性的14个具体指标作为西北干旱区城市环境质量综合评价的指标体系。在参考国家环保总局制定的环境标准的基础上,将城市环境质量划分为5个级别,并利用物元分析理论,建立了西北干旱区城市环境质量综合评价的物元模型。以西北干旱区典型的绿洲城市张掖市为例对该模型进行了具体应用。结果表明,8年来张掖市的城市环境质量一直属于Ⅱ级,而且有总体好转的趋势,但是这一趋势并不明显。这一结果与现实成因吻合,说明所采用的指标体系和评价方法对西北干旱区城市环境质量的综合评价具有较强的应用价值和现实意义,可以在西北干旱区其它同类城市进一步推广。  相似文献   
Fecundity in Jasus verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards, 1851) has been studied by a detailed investigation of (a) the total weight of eggs carried by female specimens, (b) the average number of eggs per 1 g sample, and (c) the total number of eggs carried by females. In mid October 1966, 217 females “in berry” (that is, carrying external eggs) were examined and measured at Spirits Bay, New Zealand. The fecundity study is based on the results obtained from 21 selected specimens, with carapace lengths from 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm.

A direct relation was found between the total weight of eggs carried and increase in carapace length. The total weight of eggs carried varied from about 51 g to 238 g for carapace lengths of 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm. No correlation was shown between the average number of eggs per 1 g sample and increase in carapace length. Considerable variation was noted in the number of eggs per 1 g sample, which ranged from a low count of 6,453 eggs to a high count of 8,341 eggs. The total number of eggs carried by female J. verreauxi was found to be related to an increase in carapace length. Furthermore, increase in fecundity per relative carapace length increase was noted to be greater in smaller specimens than in larger specimens. The total number of eggs carried ranged from about 385,000 for a carapace length of 15.5 cm to 1,940,000 for a carapace length of 23.5 cm.

Fecundity, as measured by the total weight of eggs carried and the total number of eggs produced, was found to be much higher in J. verreauxi than in several Jasus species previously studied by other workers.  相似文献   
The behavior of single piles subjected to negative skin friction in soft soil was conducted by analyzing the results from full-scale long-term field measurements and three-dimensional (3D) numerical analyses. A skin friction coefficient (α and β coefficients) of the instrumented piles is back-calculated at different degrees of consolidation (U) of soft marine clay. Back-calculated β-values ranged from 0.15 to 0.35 for clay, and from 0.30 to 0.55 for sand, respectively. In addition, back-calculated α-values ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 for coated pile, and from 0.2 to 0.8 for uncoated pile when undrained shear strength of the soft clay was about 30–60 kPa, respectively. Moreover, this study describes behavior of a pile based on full-coupled 3D finite element (FE) analysis. The appropriate parametric studies needed for verifying the pile-soil interaction with consolidation are presented in this paper. Compared to the results from the measurements, it is shown that the computed results are capable of predicting the pile-soil behavior under consolidation. The major parameters that influence the pile behavior are discussed for different soil-pile conditions.  相似文献   
Shark catches in the protective nets set off the beaches of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, are strongly influenced by the sardine run, the winter influx of shoals of Sardinops sagax from the south-west. The effect of the sardine run, which is highly variable from year to year, is greatest in June and July at beaches south of Durban. Total annual shark catch and effort are presented for the period 1952–2005, and total monthly shark catch on the KZN south coast for the period May–August, 1965–2005. Measures to reduce catches of sharks associated with the sardine run have been introduced and have been increasingly successful. Reliable species-specific catch data are available for the period 1978–2005 only. For this period, the spatio-temporal distribution of each of 14 species of shark and the frequency of occurrence of sardine in their diets is documented. Occurrence varies according to species, as does the apparent influence of the sardine run on shark distribution. During June and July on the KZN south coast, sardine were found in the diet of all but two species and frequency of occurrence was 40% or greater in eight species. The presence of copper or bronze whaler sharks Carcharhinus brachyurus in KZN waters appears to be strongly associated with the sardine run, as does that of certain life-history stages of dusky sharks C. obscurus. Spinner sharks C. brevipinna and smooth hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini are caught in greater numbers in summer than in winter, but appear to shift their spatial distribution seasonally to feed on sardine.  相似文献   
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